ノエラ is a user on charafre.noela.moe. You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse. If you don't, you can sign up here.


I have an important presentation on 17 May. If I successfully pass the class, I will get the secondary major of environmental study. I have already finished bachelor's degree of science and acquired the major of chemistry in Japan. Therefore, even if I complete all of the requirements, it does not mean graduating from the university.


ノエラ @NOELA

@Takamp 英語向きなんだねー日本語で500文字使い切れない

@NOELA 文字数から見ると英語向けの感じがしますね。感覚的に英語は日本語の2.5倍くらいの文字数になるかと思います。